I was going through some old entries and remembered a spoken word artist who goes by the name Shihan the Poet. This is one of the poems I really liked, but I've gotta tell you, it's so much more powerful when you hear it spoken by the artist himself. I want a Love Like the one he describes.
Love Like by Shihan
I want a love like me, thinking of you, thinking of me,
thinking of you type love
or, me telling my friends more than I've ever admitted to
myself about how I feel about you type love
or, hating how jealous you are, but loving how much you
want me all to your self type love,
or seeing how your first name just sounds so good next to my last name,
and s**t, I wanted to see how far I could get without
calling you, and I barely made it out of my garage.
See, I want a love that makes me wait until she falls
asleep then wonder if she dreaming about us being in love
type love,
or who loves the other more,
or what she's doing at this exact moment,
or slow dancing in the middle of our apartment to the music of our hearts, closing my eyes and imagining how a love so good could just hurt so much when she's not there.
S**t, I love not knowing where this love is headed type love.
And check this, I want to place those little post-it notes
all around the house so she never forgets how much I love her type love then not have enough ink in my pen to write
all there is to love about her type love.
Hope that I make her feel as good as she makes me feel, like believing that her being in my life makes me a better person type love or I want her to distract me form whatever I'm doing type love
and I want to deal with my friends making fun of me the
way I made fun of them when they went through the same kind of love type love.
Only difference is this is one of those real love type loves.
and just like in high school, I want to spend hours on the phone with her not saying anything,
then fall asleep then wake up with HER right next to me,
and smell her all up in my covers type love
I want to try to counting the ways I love her, and then
lose count in the middle just so that I have to start all
over again type love
I want to celebrate one of those month anniversaries even
though they ain't really anniversaries, but doin' it just
cause it makes her happy type love.
And I want to break down the time we spend together into seconds just so it sounds like we spend more time together type love
And check this, I want fall in love with the melody the
phone plays when her number is dialed into it type loves
and then talk to her until I lose my breathe, she leaves me breathless, but with the expanding of my lungs I inhale all of her back into me
I want a love that makes me need to change my cell phone calling plan to something that allows me to talk to her longer
because, in all honesty, I want to avoid one of them high cell phone bill type loves.
I want a love that makes me regret how small my hands are
I mean the lines on my palms don't give me enough time to love her as long as I'd like to type loves,
and I want a love that makes me st-st-st-st-stutter just thinking
about how strong this love is type love.
I want a love that makes me want to cut off all my hair
Well, maybe not all of the hair
maybe just cut the split ends and trim my mustache, but
it will still be a symbol of how strong my love is for her.
And check this, I kinda feel comfortable now, so I can tell y'all this I even be fantasizing about walking out on a green light just dying to get hit by a car just so I could lose my memory
get transported to some third world country just to get treated then somehow meet up again with you so that I could fall in love with you in a different language to see if it still feels the same
I want a love that's as unexplainable as she is, and I'm married, so she is going to be the one that I share this love with.
Follow through...
Monday, March 28, 2005
Love like
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Platonically challenged
Miranda: I don't have Steve. There is no having of the Steve. We're good friends.
Samantha: No, we're good friends, but I don't put my dick in you.
Men and women are platonically challenged. In any so-called platonic relationship in which one or both parties have even the slightest desire to hook up with eachother in the near or distant future, the stage is set for battle. Obviously, it's not socially acceptable to go and hook up with every single one of your friends. Friends are supposed to be platonic, meaning the love upon which that relationship is founded is not based on lust or carnal needs. That's not to say that lust and carnal needs never come into play in these friendships, I'm just clarifying for definition's sake. I believe that no relationship with a member of the opposite sex is innately platonic. I think we force ourselves to make or keep them that way out of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of pain, fear of humilation, or fear of ostracization by either the party involved or even by onlookers, who are more than likely friends to you both. Remove the actual possibility of any hookup from the relationship and voila! You've got platonic. But until then, it's not really platonic becasue you're holding on for the company, for the comfort, for the just in case.
But here's an important point: just because you find someone attractive does not mean you want to hook up with them, even if you've toyed with the idea. And while the removal of any possibility of ever hooking up is helpful (for instance, the guy is one of your best friends' exes or perhaps your coworker), it's not the only deterrent. Why? Because oftentimes our brains and consciences intercept desire and remold it until it becomes innocuous, relegated to a faint but unaffecting feeling of sexual tension that will never develop beyond that.
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